Stranger Than Fiction

Stranger Than Fiction was an amusing movie, although not as funny as I thought it might be. But Will Farrell did a good job, and it was hilarious to see Dustin Hoffmann tell him that he had to die for the sake of Emma Thompson's book. Maggie Gyllenhaal was delightful!

Climate change

It's amusing how people are still denying the serious climate changes that are occurring across the world. The NY Times has an interesting article on how climate change is destroying a town in Alaska.


ABC's Lost had a 2-hour season finale that was outstanding. Lots of plot lines revealed, a big flip in story-telling, changes for everyone on the island, what more could one ask for? This season, Lost was the opposite of Heroes: Lost had a relatively slow, boring season with a fantastic finish, whereas Heroes had an interesting season (mostly because of the variety of characters they had to introduce) with a disappointing finish.

Bond investing

The Only Guide to a Winning Bond Strategy You'll Ever Need: The Way Smart Money Preserves Wealth Today by Larry Swedroe has a decent overview of the bond markets for lay investors. I skimmed through it quickly: it doesn't actually provide a real "strategy": just the information necessary to formulate a strategy. So the book could be considered a necessary but not sufficient condition towards developing a reasonable strategy for investing in bonds.


NBC's Heroes had one of the lamer season finales that I have seen in a while. Overall, the season was interesting, but I was severely disappointed by the finale. The writing was just lame: lots of loose ends tied up too quickly with poor justification.

Dim sum

We ate dim sum at a restaurant called Jing Fong, in Chinatown. It was very good quality (although not the very best dim sum we've ever had), and very well-priced. Highly recommended!


We watched Babel on DVD. Interesting film, although it was kind of depressing. I'm not sure why it got so much buzz last year.

Whitney at Altria

We went to see the Whitney Museum at Altria, which is a small (almost tiny) installation space near Grand Central Station. There was an exhibit of Matthew Brannon's art.

The Bloodless Revolution

I got through a few chapters of The Bloodless Revolution, which is a fascinating history of vegetarianism in Western European culture. Unfortunately, the book is quite dry and long, and I wasn't able to finish it before I had to return it to the library. I'll have to take it out again and continue reading...


We finished the first season of Rome. Great TV, although we've been watching it on DVD (via Netflix). So it almost feels like a bunch of short movies.

Monet @ Wildenstein

We saw an exhibition of Monet paintings at the Wildenstein Gallery at 64th Street. It was an astonishing collection of works that are mostly held privately. One startling work was a painting titled A Palm Tree in Bordighera. Overall, a must-see art event!


We went to Momofuku Ssam Bar, a very interesting Korean restaurant. Their signature dish is a ssam, which is a Korean burrito. Yummy food!

Age-Defying Fitness

I've been reading parts of Age-Defying Fitness, by Marilyn Moffat and Carole B. Lewis. It is an excellent book about staying physically fit and healthy while getting older. The book describes many low-impact exercises to improve balance, strength, flexibility, posture, and endurance.