Mad Men Season Four

We watched the last few episodes while in Beijing (iTunes is wonderful in some ways).  It took forever to download the HD version, but it was worth the wait.  It was nice to see Don Draper happy at the end of season, although he again chose a weaker, supportive woman rather than the stronger one who constantly challenged him.  Heather Havrilesky at seems to view this as a tragic flaw in her recap of the episode: I view it as realistic storytelling about human choices.  The Faye character wasn't able to give Don what he really wanted, which was someone to take care of his family, and make his family easy to manage.

All in all, another fun season to watch.  As Don simplifies/cleans up his life, though, he is becoming less interesting as the central character.  But I'm sure the writers will keep the show compelling.  How will Betty react to the competition for "best mother" with Megan?

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